
Contact Info

Manager: Jeremy Shryock
Telephone: (859) 967-6479
Email: jshryock@bgstockyards.com


Office ManagerAmber McCall
Telephone(859) 255-7701

Fax: (859) 255-5495
Email: amccall@bgstockyards.com


Tuesday, February 25, 2025
9:00 AM

110 head farm raised 55 steers and 55 heifers 2 rounds of everything Heifers have had estrumate also and I will call open if they have them sleeved Should be like last years 800-900 lbs Phillip Howard & James Reed

70 home raised hfrs, no implants 700 Tollgate Farm, Troy Rankin

65 strs/hfrs mostly blk 2 rnds shots, open, weaned Nov on feed 700-800 Tommy Burton

55 strs/hfrs all blk WSO 700-800 John Hetterman

41 strs/hfrs WSO James Murray

30 strs/hfrs Mulberry/Chandler

30 weaned 90 days, 2 rnds, hfrs open 400-600 Brad Whobrey

7 strs/hfrs off cows 1 rnd shots overnight Kristie Faulkner


Cattle Sales

Every Monday & Tuesday at 9:00 AM

Cow Sales

4th Wednesday of Every Month 6:30 PM

*Nov & Dec Cows Sales 3rd Wednesday 6:30 PM


Sale Schedule


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